I walked into an Apple store the other day and was immediately struck with that moment of angst as dozens of color-coded Apple employees simultaneously turn to look at me expectantly. It was like a Red Rover gauntlet on an elementary school playground; everybody wearing that anxious "pick me" grimace. I froze for a moment thinking "how do I decide? They all seem so similar."
I imagine that's a bit how people in the housing market feel. Whether a buyer or seller, as soon as you walk through those proverbial doors you have dozens of real estate agents hopping up and down, trying to get your attention with that "pick me" gaze. But unlike the Apple store, the choice you make can have a major impact on your family, your experience, your anxiety, and your wealth.
How do you make a choice? While there are thousands of articles listing simple questions you should ask a Realtor, none of them tell you how to actually evaluate the answers to inform your decision. There are four key elements you should be looking for in a real estate professional:
Client Focus.
Market Knowledge.